Copying PowerShell object

Lately I’ve needed to take a PowerShell object and use it in several places in a JSON document that PowerShell nicely put in a custom object for me.  What I needed this object to do was to allow for a set of each one of the properties and they needed to be different for each time I added it to the JSON object.   To get this to work I tried several different means. This post is about how I  worked to solve this issue.

First we’ll start with a customobject that comes from JSON

$tasks2add = $tasks = $null
$taskjson = @'
 "taskId": "1",
 "name": "Server-Scommaintenance",
 "enabled": false,
 "inputs": {
 "servers": "$(serverMonitors) ",
 "webMonitors": "$(webMonitors)",
 "MinuteValue": "2000",
 "maintValue": "inMaint"
 "taskId": "2",
 "name": "Server-Scommaintenance",
 "enabled": false,
 "inputs": {
 "servers": "$(serverMonitors) ",
 "webMonitors": "$(webMonitors)",
 "emailusers": "$(ScomNotify)",
 "MinuteValue": "2000",
 "maintValue": "RemoveMaint"
$tasks2add = $taskjson|convertfrom-json

Now if  look at my variable $tasks2Add we’ll see that it has all the items in the custom json above:

$tasks2add = $taskjson|convertfrom-json 

PS PS:\> $tasks2add

taskId name                   enabled inputs                                                                                                                       
------ ----                   ------- ------                                                                                                                       
1      Server-Scommaintenance   False @{servers=$(serverMonitors) ; webMonitors=$(webMonitors); MinuteValue=2000; maintValue=inMaint}                              
2      Server-Scommaintenance   False @{servers=$(serverMonitors) ; webMonitors=$(webMonitors); emailusers=$(ScomNotify); MinuteValue=2000; maintValue=RemoveMaint}

Now if I take that same set of objects and add it to another variable and then set each one. Lets see what the output looks like:

$newArraylist = new-object System.Collections.Generic.List[system.object]
$newArraylist.Add((New-object pscustomobject ($tasks2add[0])))
$newArraylist.Add((New-object pscustomobject ($tasks2add[1])))
$newArraylist.Add((New-object pscustomobject ($tasks2add[0])))
$newArraylist.Add((New-object pscustomobject ($tasks2add[1])))

$newArraylist[0].enabled = $true
$newArraylist[1].enabled = $false
$newArraylist[2].enabled = $false
$newArraylist[3].enabled = $true

Here is what my output looks like:


You would expect that the first and second tasks would be set to $true and $false respectively as I set them with the $newArraylist[x].enabled = $true / $false.

So what happened here.  PowerShell takes the array object and points (references) the values in the object to the first created object.  So we aren’t really getting a copy we are getting a reference to the first created object.  After much gnashing of teeth and trying several different methods I finally came to a solution that is described in this PowerShell QA post.

To get this to work in the fashion I wanted which is I want each one of the copy’s of the new object to be settable independently I had to use the psobject property of my custom object. I’ll do this with the method called copy on the psobject property.


This makes the code much shorter and solves my issue where I can now set my custom objects like I’d like them to be.

$newArraylist = new-object System.Collections.Generic.List[system.object]

$newArraylist[0].enabled = $true
$newArraylist[1].enabled = $false
$newArraylist[2].enabled = $false
$newArraylist[3].enabled = $true

Now if I look at my object it is now in the condition I want where I can set each item I add to my array list.

2017-01-24 08_41_04-Clipboard.png

I Hope this helps someone.

Until then

Keep Scripting


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