Backing up TFS Build and Release Definitions

We’ve chosen to use TFS 2015update3 to release and build our code.  As such I’ve found that I have a great many build and releases that are configured in TFS that I often make changes to.  So I’d like to keep a running set of configurations so that I can restore from a previous copy.  This post is about how I did this backup of build and release definitions with Powershell.

To begin with I need to figure out how I call TFS with it’s api.  Since all of these calls are made via rest we can use PowerShell’s cmdlet Invoke-RestMethod.  So the first thing I need to do is get all my projects so I can loop through them.

function Get-TFSProjects
 Param($tfsUrl,$apiversion = '3.0-preview')
 Invoke-RestMethod -method get -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$tfsurl/_apis/projects?api-version=$apiversion"

So to call this all I need to do is call my function:

 get-TFSProjects -tfsurl ""  

Which then returns me an object with the projects:

count value 
----- ----- 
 18 {@{id=[guid]; name=Marketing; url=[guid]; state=wellFormed; revision=3887163}, @{id=83ed4f89- 

This indicates a guid that is specific to my instance of tfs.[guid].

Now that I have the projects for my collection/instance of tfs. I can now loop through them and get each build definition, all my function expects is my $tfsprojects that  I gathered from the first function:

function Backup-TFSbuildDefinitions
 param([object]$tfsprojs,$tfsurl = '', $tfscollection = 'Defaultcollection', $apiversion = '3.0-preview',[string]$Path = 'c:\temp\tfsbuilds')
 $tfsInstance = "http://$($tfsurl):8080/tfs/$tfsCollection"

foreach($tfsproj in $tfsprojs.value)
 $tfsProjName = $
 $tfsdev = "$tfsInstance/$tfsProjName"
 $projectIds = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$tfsdev/_apis/build/definitions?api-version=$apiversion" -ContentType application/json 
 foreach($projectid in $projectIds)
 $relnumber = $ 
 foreach($rel in $relnumber)
 $relDef = invoke-restmethod -method get -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$tfsdev/_apis/build/definitions/$($rel)?api-version=$apiversion" -ContentType application/json
 $exportPath = "$path/$tfsProjName"
 if(-not (test-path $exportPath))
 mkdir $exportPath
 $jsonDoc = $reldef | convertto-json -Depth 100
 $jsonDoc | out-file -FilePath "$exportPath\$($"



Now all I need to do is look at the api reference and use the appropriate call to get the release configuration.

function Backup-TFSReleaseDefinitions
 param([object]$tfsprojs,$tfsurl = '', $tfscollection = 'Defaultcollection', $apiversion = '3.0-preview',[string]$Path = 'c:\temp\tfsprojects')
 $tfsInstance = "http://$($tfsurl):8080/tfs/$tfsCollection"

foreach($tfsproj in $tfsprojs.value)
 $tfsProjName = $
 $tfsdev = "$tfsInstance/$tfsProjName"
 $projectIds = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$tfsdev/_apis/release/definitions?api-version=$apiversion" -ContentType application/json 
 foreach($projectid in $projectIds)
 $relnumber = $ 
 foreach($rel in $relnumber)
 $relDef = invoke-restmethod -method get -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$tfsdev/_apis/release/definitions/$($rel)?api-version=$apiversion" -ContentType application/json
 $exportPath = "$path/$tfsProjName"
 if(-not (test-path $exportPath))
 mkdir $exportPath
 $jsonDoc = $reldef | convertto-json -Depth 100
 $jsonDoc | out-file -FilePath "$exportPath\$($"



Now if I stitch it all together I can call my tfs instance and save the configurations all to my local disk structure.  From where the script is called.

Here is the full script on my gist:

function Backup-TFSReleaseDefinitions
param([object]$tfsprojs,$tfsurl = '', $tfscollection = 'Defaultcollection', $apiversion = '3.0-preview',[string]$Path = 'c:\temp\tfsprojects')
$tfsInstance = "http://$($tfsurl):8080/tfs/$tfsCollection"
foreach($tfsproj in $tfsprojs.value)
$tfsProjName = $
$tfsdev = "$tfsInstance/$tfsProjName"
$projectIds = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$tfsdev/_apis/release/definitions?api-version=$apiversion" -ContentType application/json
foreach($projectid in $projectIds)
$relnumber = $
foreach($rel in $relnumber)
$relDef = invoke-restmethod -method get -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$tfsdev/_apis/release/definitions/$($rel)?api-version=$apiversion" -ContentType application/json
$exportPath = "$path/$tfsProjName"
if(-not (test-path $exportPath))
mkdir $exportPath
$jsonDoc = $reldef | convertto-json -Depth 100
$jsonDoc | out-file -FilePath "$exportPath\$($"
Gets all the TFS projects for a given instance
$tfsProjects = get-TFSProjects -tfsurl ';
Returns an object of projects found in tfs.
count value
—– —–
19 {@{id=f7039238-b489-45d1-b9d1-c4c9222497c3; name=Marketing; url=[guid]; state=wellFormed; revisi…
function Get-TFSProjects
Param($tfsUrl,$apiversion = '3.0-preview')
Invoke-RestMethod -method get -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$tfsurl/_apis/projects?api-version=$apiversion"
function Backup-TFSbuildDefinitions
param([object]$tfsprojs,$tfsurl = '', $tfscollection = 'Defaultcollection', $apiversion = '3.0-preview',[string]$Path = 'c:\temp\tfsbuilds')
$tfsInstance = "http://$($tfsurl):8080/tfs/$tfsCollection"
foreach($tfsproj in $tfsprojs.value)
$tfsProjName = $
$tfsdev = "$tfsInstance/$tfsProjName"
$projectIds = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$tfsdev/_apis/build/definitions?api-version=$apiversion" -ContentType application/json
foreach($projectid in $projectIds)
$relnumber = $
foreach($rel in $relnumber)
$relDef = invoke-restmethod -method get -UseDefaultCredentials -uri "$tfsdev/_apis/build/definitions/$($rel)?api-version=$apiversion" -ContentType application/json
$exportPath = "$path/$tfsProjName"
if(-not (test-path $exportPath))
mkdir $exportPath
$jsonDoc = $reldef | convertto-json -Depth 100
$jsonDoc | out-file -FilePath "$exportPath\$($"

I hope this helps someone


Until then

Keep scripting



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