Create SSRS Data Source

Continuing on with my earlier discussion on SSRS and testing data sources.  I’ve come up with a means to create a data source.  This article will demonstrate how I did that.

In testing the data source I had to create a proxy to the SSRS server again we’ll need to do the same thing so we can get to the Create method for the Data source.

$reportWebService = 'http://yourReportServer/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx'
$credentials = Get-Credential
$reportproxy = New-WebServiceProxy -uri $reportWebService -Credential $credentials

The reportWebService is a link to my Webservice on my ssrs instance which when proxied will allow me to get at all the methods and properties of this class Reportservice2010.asmx

The method we’ll be using for this discussion is ReportingService2010.CreateDataSource.

This method requires three variables.

[string] DataSource,
[string] Parent,
[DataSourceDefinition] Definition,
[Property[] ]Properties

The Datasource is a String = The name for the data source including the file name and, in SharePoint mode, the extension (.rsds).

Parent = The fully qualified URL for the parent folder that will contain the data source.  In My case I’m going to use /ThomTest

Where the location from root on the SSRS server is the folder Named ThomTest.

Overwrite = This tells the function if it finds it to overwrite what is there.

DataSourceDefition = This is a DataSourceDefinition class that contains the values for the DataSource. This includes things like:

ConnectStringCredentialRetrieval, Enabled, EnabledSpecified ImpersonateUserImpersonateUserSpecifiedPasswordPrompt, UserName, WindowsCredentials

For each of the above properties here is what I’ve been able to discover so far for where they are used:

2016-08-03 16_08_38-Clipboard

[Property[] ]Properties =  ReportService2010.Property[]– an array of properties that are nearly the same thing as the data source definition. So some of the same data collected to create the data source definition is used in this property Array collection.

The tough part of this creation of the datasource was getting the values passed into the PowerShell function to be accepted by the proxied method.  In order to do this I stumbled on this great article on StackOverflow. This allowed me to get at the classes from the proxied webservice via calls similar to the one below:

$ssrsproxy = New-SSRSProxy -reportWebService $reportWebService `
-Credentials $credentials
 $proxyNameSpace = $ssrsproxy.gettype().Namespace

So in order to get to the class I need for the DataSourceDefinition .  All i need to do is take the ProxyName space and append it to the proxied name space.

$proxyNameSpace = $ssrsproxy.gettype().Namespace 
$datasourceDef = New-Object("$proxyNameSpace.DataSourceDefinition")

Now my $datasourceDef is a DatasourceDefinition object which contains the properties I showed above.  Since it is now in an object all I need to do now to set the items I need is to refer to them via . notation:

$datasourceDef = New-Object("$proxyNameSpace.DataSourceDefinition")
PS PS:\> $datasourceDef

Extension : 
ConnectString : 
UseOriginalConnectString : False
OriginalConnectStringExpressionBased : False
CredentialRetrieval : Prompt
WindowsCredentials : False
ImpersonateUser : False
ImpersonateUserSpecified : False
Prompt : 
UserName : 
Password : 
Enabled : False
EnabledSpecified : False

PS PS:\> $datasourcedef.Connectstring = 'MyConnectionSTring'

Ok now the fourth parameter is the tough one this is where I had to get help from @Poshoholic on how to get a hashtable for the values into a Array of properties that the create will accept.

Here is what the Hashtable looks like:

 PS PS:\> $datasourceDefHash = @{
 'ConnectString' = $connectString; 'UserName' = $username; `
'Password' = $password; 'WindowsCredentials' = $windowsCredentials; `
'Enabled' = $enabled; 'Extension' = $Extension; `
'ImpersonateUser' = $ImpersonateUser; 'ImpersonateUserSpecified' = $true; `
'CredentialRetrieval' = $credentialRetrieval

My understanding of what is needed is a property Collection so I named my variable a property collection:

 $propertyCollection = $datasourceDefHash.Keys.foreach`
{ @{ Name = $_; Value = $dataSourceDefHash[$_] }`
 -as "${proxyNamespace}.property" }

The magic here is where we are iterating through our keys and then casting each name and value to the $ which is our ReportService2010.Property[] array.  @Poshoholic informed that because the name of the class is dynamic we have to use the -as key word to allow it to be ‘cast’ into the property we need.  Wow I’m glad he helped me or I’d have been here a very long time.

Now to put it all together. I originally wrote this function to all for continuous deployments and creation of data sources. The only value I really wanted to use was the Storing of the username and password (Credentials stored securely in the report server). In addition I need the checkbox for this option checked ( Use as Windows credentials when connecting to the data source).  with the Username and password entered upon calling the function.

So here is what my param block looks like:

 [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
 [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
'SHAREPOINTLIST','SAPBW','ESSBASE','Report Server FileShare','NULL'`
 [string]$Extension = 'SQL',
 [boolean]$windowsCredentials = $false,
 [boolean]$enabled = $true,
 [boolean]$ImpersonateUser = $false ,
 [ValidateSet('None', 'Prompt', 'Integrated', 'Store')]
 [string]$credentialRetrieval = 'Store',

Now that I have my user passing in their credentials and the items I need with the default values I can now call some of the methods and Items I described above:

 $ssrsproxy = New-SSRSProxy -reportWebService $reportWebService -Credentials $credentials
 $proxyNameSpace = $ssrsproxy.gettype().Namespace
 $datasourceDef = New-Object("$proxyNameSpace.DataSourceDefinition") #definition is needed because the create expects and object with some of the properties set.
 #$dataSourceProps = New-Object ("$")
 #$ssrsExtensions = ($ssrsproxy.ListExtensions('All')).name `
 #-join "','" for creating the set statement for extensions.
 #for some reason you have to set the extension and datasouce `
 in the definition before attempting to create. 
 $datasourceDef.connectstring = $connectString
 $datasourcedef.Extension = $Extension
 if ($credentialRetrieval -eq 'Store')
 $datasourceDef.WindowsCredentials = $WindowsCredentials
 $datasourceDef.password = $password
 $datasourceDef.CredentialRetrieval = $credentialRetrieval
 $datasourceDef.username = $username
 $datasourceDefHash = @{
 'ConnectString' = $connectString; 'UserName' = $username; 'Password' = $password; 'WindowsCredentials' = $windowsCredentials; 'Enabled' = $enabled; 'Extension' = $Extension; 'ImpersonateUser' = $ImpersonateUser; 'ImpersonateUserSpecified' = $true; 'CredentialRetrieval' = $credentialRetrieval
 #convert the hashtable to an array of proxynamespace property items.
 $propertyCollection = $datasourceDefHash.Keys.foreach`
{ @{ Name = $_; Value = $dataSourceDefHash[$_] } -as "${proxyNamespace}.property" }
 $ssrsproxy.CreateDataSource($DataSourceName, $path, $true, $datasourceDef, $propertyCollection)
 "Error was $_"
 $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
 "Error was in Line $line"

The actual piece that is doing the creation of the data source is this line

$ssrsproxy.CreateDataSource($DataSourceName, $path, $true, $datasourceDef, `

The script in its full form is below:

 Creates an SSRS data source
 This script creates a datasource from the PowerShell prompt.
 .PARAMETER DataSourceName
 A description of the DataSourceName parameter.
 Path to where the datasource will be created. This should be the root of where the source is created.
 /report/report data source will be created at the second report value.
 .PARAMETER reportWebService
 URI to the location of the reportingService 2010 asmx page.
 .PARAMETER connectString
 This is the connection string that you use to connect to your database.
 .PARAMETER password
 Password to use if you are storing the credentials on the SQL server.
 Username to use for the connection if you are storing the credentiasl on the SQL Server.
 .PARAMETER Extension
 The Extension parameter is described as the Data Source Type in the new data source window in SSRS. Depending on your installation you may or may not have the items specified in the set statement for this function:
 'SQL' = SQL Server Connection
 'SQLAZURE' = SQL Azure Connection
 'OLEDB' = OLEDB connection 
 other possible connections include: 'OLEDB-MD','ORACLE','ODBC','XML','SHAREPOINTLIST','SAPBW','ESSBASE','Report Server FileShare','NULL','WORDOPENXML','WORD','IMAGE','RPL','EXCELOPENXML','EXCEL','MHTML','HTML4.0','RGDI','PDF','ATOM','CSV','NULL','XML'
 .PARAMETER windowsCredentials
 windowsCredentials = When using 'Store' with credential retrieval this sets the data source to 'Use as Windows credentials when connecting to the data source' 
 .PARAMETER enabled
 This Tells SSRS to enable the data source.
 .PARAMETER ImpersonateUser
 SEt this to true if you want to use the 'Impersonate the authenticated user after a connection has been made to the data source'.
 .PARAMETER credentialRetrieval
 CredentialRetrieval = one of four values:
 None = Credentials are not required
 Store = Credentials stored securely in the report server
 requires setting the username and password and optional params are impersonate and windowsCredentials
 Prompt = Credentials supplied by the user running the report
 Integrated = Windows integrated security
 .PARAMETER Credentials
 The credentials parameter is required to access the web service. They should be [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] type
 .PARAMETER WebService
 This is the url to the Webservice which allows for creation of 
 PS C:\> $reportWebService = 'http://mySSRSServer//reportserver/reportservice2010.asmx'
 PS C:\> New-SSRSDataSource -DataSourceName 'ThomTest' -path '/ThomTest' -reportWebService $ReportWebService -connectString 'Data Source=servername;Initial Catalog=DB;Integrated Security=True' -username 'domain\user' -password 'password' -Extension SQL -enabled $true -windowsCredentials $true -credentialRetrieval Store -impersonateuser $true -credentials $credentials
 Additional information about the function.
function New-SSRSDataSource
 [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
 [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
 [string]$Extension = 'SQL',
 [boolean]$windowsCredentials = $false,
 [boolean]$enabled = $true,
 [boolean]$ImpersonateUser = $false ,
 [ValidateSet('None', 'Prompt', 'Integrated', 'Store')]
 [string]$credentialRetrieval = 'Store',
 $ssrsproxy = New-SSRSProxy -reportWebService $reportWebService -Credentials $credentials
 $proxyNameSpace = $ssrsproxy.gettype().Namespace
 $datasourceDef = New-Object("$proxyNameSpace.DataSourceDefinition") #definition is needed because the create expects and object with some of the properties set.
 #$dataSourceProps = New-Object ("$")
 #$ssrsExtensions = ($ssrsproxy.ListExtensions('All')).name #-join "','" for creating the set statement for extensions.
 #for some reason you have to set the extension and datasouce in the definition before attempting to create. 
 $datasourceDef.connectstring = $connectString
 $datasourcedef.Extension = $Extension
 if ($credentialRetrieval -eq 'Store')
 $datasourceDef.WindowsCredentials = $WindowsCredentials
 $datasourceDef.password = $password
 $datasourceDef.CredentialRetrieval = $credentialRetrieval
 $datasourceDef.username = $username
 $datasourceDefHash = @{
 'ConnectString' = $connectString; 'UserName' = $username; 'Password' = $password; 'WindowsCredentials' = $windowsCredentials; 'Enabled' = $enabled; 'Extension' = $Extension; 'ImpersonateUser' = $ImpersonateUser; 'ImpersonateUserSpecified' = $true; 'CredentialRetrieval' = $credentialRetrieval
 #convert the hashtable to an array of proxynamespace property items.
 $propertyCollection = $datasourceDefHash.Keys.foreach{ @{ Name = $_; Value = $dataSourceDefHash[$_] } -as "${proxyNamespace}.property" }
 $ssrsproxy.CreateDataSource($DataSourceName, $path, $true, $datasourceDef, $propertyCollection)
 "Error was $_"
 $line = $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
 "Error was in Line $line"


function New-SSRSProxy
 [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
 ValueFromPipeline = $true,
 ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
 if ($reportWebService -notmatch 'asmx')
 $reportWebService = "$reportWebService/ReportService2010.asmx?WSDL"
 #$reportWebServiceurl = $reportWebServiceUrl.Replace("//","/")
 #Create Proxy
 Write-Verbose "Creating Proxy, connecting to : $reportWebService"
 $ssrsProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $reportWebService -UseDefaultCredential -ErrorAction 0
 #Test that we're connected
 $members = $ssrsProxy | get-member -ErrorAction 0
 if (!($members))
 if (!$Credentials)
 $Credentials = Get-Credential -Message 'Enter credentials for the SSRS web service'
 $ssrsProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $reportWebService -Credential $Credentials
 End { }

I hope this helps someone

Until then keep scripting



7 thoughts on “Create SSRS Data Source

  1. Luis

    Nice to find this – save me from creating my own!

    Suggestion: use ($datasourceDefHash.Keys | ForEach ….) instead of Keys.ForEach for backwards compatibility

    Liked by 1 person

  2. binh

    I love your script. One thing that I like to ask please. I could run the script to create new ds with option “Using the Following Credentials” with user name and pw, but the check for ” Log in using these credentials, but then try to impersonate the user viewing the report” is not check.


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